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K-POP/K-Drama (CD,DVD,Blu-ray,Book) We aceept PayPal/UnionPay/Alipay
and support English/Chinese Language service


作为出售正规 K-POP/K-Drama 相关(CD,图书,DVD) 韩流商品的网站, 支持 中文/英文 等海外结账方式


Exclusive ticket sales for domestic and international pop artists

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국내작가 경제경영 저자

·한국이스라엘기업협의회 사무총장

·(주)카익글로벌스타트업 대표
·(주)소사코리아 대표
·꾸머스페이스 대표
·꿈쟁이놀이터 대표

DAVID 옥은 (주)소사코리아 대표와 사단법인 한국이스라엘 기업협의회 사무총장(이사)직을 겸임하고 있으며 한국과 이스 라엘의 기업가 및 경영 중역들과 함께 한국-이스라엘의 경제와 비즈니스 니즈를 살피고 양국 간의 사업 기회 창출에 힘쓰고 있습니다. 다수의 글로벌 행사 및 프로그램을 주최·주관하면서 형성된 글로벌 인프라를 통해 양국 및 세계 네트워크를 형성하며 한·이 양국 간의 경제 발전과 창업 생태계 형성을 위한 해외 투자 유치에도 기여하고 있습니다.

·2012 에후드 올메르트 이스라엘 총리 초청 만찬 주최·주관
·2012 제1~4회 한국이스라엘비즈니스포럼 이스라엘 텔아비브 에서 개최
·2016 텔아비브대학 공과대학과 이화여대 공과대학 MOU 체결
·2017 경기도 부지사 및 경기도 인사들과 이스라엘 창업 생태 계 소개 및 비즈니스 연수
·2018 SOSA-GCCEI-KT 협력사업 Open Innovation program 체결
·2019 (주)소사코리아 판교스타트업캠퍼스 입주
·2021 꿈쟁이놀이터 설립

·University of Mary Hardin Baylor(BA in Sociology_사회학 전공)

·Secretary-General of the Korea-Israel Business Council

·CEO of CAC Global Startup
·CEO of SOSA Korea
·CEO of Kkumer Space
·CEO of Kkumer Playground

David Ok is the CEO of Sosa Korea and also holds the position of Secretary General(Director) of the Korea-Israel Business Council, a non-profit organization. He works to explore the economic and business needs of Korea and Israel and create business opportunities between the two countries, together with entrepreneurs and executives from both countries. He hosts and organizes numerous global events and programs and has formed a global network to contribute to the economic development and startup ecosystem formation between Korea and Israel, and attract overseas investment.

David Ok's career highlights include hosting and organizing the dinner for Ehud Olmert, the former Prime Minister of Israel in 2012, and the first to fourth Korea-Israel Business Forum held in Tel Aviv, Israel, in the same year. He also signed an MOU with the College of Engineering at Tel Aviv University and the College of Engineering at Ewha Womans University in 2016, introduced the startup ecosystem of Gyeonggi Province and its officials to Israel in 2017, signed an Open Innovation program with SOSA-GCCEI-KT in 2018, and moved Sosa Korea to Pangyo Startup Campus in 2019. He also established the Dream Playground in 2021.

·Hosted and organized a dinner party for Ehud Olmert, former Prime Minister of Israel in 2012
·Held the 1st to 4th Korea-Israel Business Forum in Tel Aviv, Israel in 2012
·Signed an MOU between Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Engineering and Ewha Womans University's Faculty of Engineering in 2016
·Introduced and provided business training on the startup ecosystem of Israel to officials from Gyeonggi Province in 2017
·Signed an Open Innovation program partnership with SOSA-GCCEI-KT in 2018
·Moved into Pangyo Startup Campus operated by SOSA Korea in 2019
·Established the ‘Dream Playground’ in 2021

·University of Mary Hardin Baylor(BA in Sociology)

[도서] MoT(Mobility of Things) [도서] 사물이동성-MoT(Mobility of Things) [도서] Startup Israel
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