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Choi Seung-hoon

국내작가 어학/교육/학습 저자

Professor Choi Seung-hoon MD (KM), Ph.D., was born in Seoul, the Republic of Korea.

Professor Choi graduated from Kyung Hee University Oriental Medical College and received his Ph.D. in the department of Oriental Medicine Pathology at the same school. He also completed the requirement for Korea University’s Chinese Philosophy Master Program.

He served as a visiting professor as both Taiwan’s China Medical College (1989) and Taiwan’ s National Science Council (1990). Additionally, Professor Choi was invited to be a guest professor at Guang An Men Hospital’s cancer department in Beijing by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, P.R.C. (1993), and a visiting scholar at Stanford University Medical Center (2001).

In August 2003, Professor Choi moved to the World Health Organization and worked as the Regional Adviser in the traditional medicine program, Western Pacic Regional Office for five years. He contributed to the standardization of traditional medicine. ‘World Health Organization International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacic Region (WHO-IST)’, led by him, later evolved into the ICD-11 Traditional Medicine Chapter. He organized 11 meetings for establishing the acupuncture points location standard which had been controversial among the countries for many centuries, and finally published ‘World Health Organization Standard Acupuncture Point Locations in the Western Pacic Region (WHO-APL)’. In addition, he strongly promoted the member countries such as China, Japan, and Korea to develop the traditional medicine clinical practice guidelines.

Back to Kyung Hee University, he worked as Dean of the Oriental Medical College (2008) and founded the Global University Network of Traditional Medicine (GUNTM) and became the first President.

In 2011, he was appointed to serve as the President of Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM) for three years, and hosted the fifth International Congress of Complementary Medicine Research (ICCMR) in Jeju, Korea in 2015.

In September 2014, he resigned from Kyung Hee University and moved to Dankook University for promoting the integrative medicine as a vice-president at Dankook University.

In June 2018, he was appointed as the Board Chair of the National Development Institute of Korean Medicine (NIKOM) and also the Senior Adviser to the Association of Korean Medicine.

In December 2020, he took the office of the President of International Society of Oriental Medicine (ISOM), which has the longest history in the eld of traditional medicine.

Recently, he is working at the School of Medicine, Emory University as an adjunct professor, and completed ‘Pattern Identification and Prescription Expert for the ICD-11’ (PIPE-11), a digital clinical decision support system for traditional medicine.

[도서] Constitutional Medicine in the East
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