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Korean wave shopping mall, sell the
K-POP/K-Drama (CD,DVD,Blu-ray,Book) We aceept PayPal/UnionPay/Alipay
and support English/Chinese Language service


作为出售正规 K-POP/K-Drama 相关(CD,图书,DVD) 韩流商品的网站, 支持 中文/英文 等海外结账方式


Exclusive ticket sales for domestic and international pop artists

Global yesticket



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Bill Gates Allen Lane
18% 46,880 46,880 포인트적립2,350원
리뷰 총점 0.0 회원리뷰(0)
세계인의 삶을 바꾼 테크놀로지의 거인, 빌 게이츠 그가 처음으로 직접 들려주는 자신의 시작에 관한 이야기 컴퓨터 테크놀로지의 살아 있는 신화, 빌 게이츠. 세계인의 변화와 발전, 진보를 이끈 이 걸출한 인물의 유년기와 청소년기의 궤적을 따라가며, 당시 그가 보여 준 열정과 추구했던 것들에 관한 인간적이고 개인적인 소회를 들어 본다. 『소스 코드』는...
Malcolm Gladwell Little Brown & Company
20% 38,400 38,400
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Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing light.
Bill Clinton Knopf Publishing Group
20% 45,520 45,520 포인트적립2,280원
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A powerful, candid, and richly detailed memoir from an American icon, revealing what life looks like after the presidency: triumphs, tribulations, and all. On January 20, 2001, after nearly thirty years in politics--eight of them as president of the United States--Bill Clinton was suddenly a private citizen.
Kurzweil, Ray Viking
20% 42,000 42,000
리뷰 총점 10.0 회원리뷰(1)
The noted inventor and futurist’s successor to his landmark book The Singularity Is Near explores how technology will transform the human race in the decades to come Since it was first published in 2005, Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity Is Near and its vision of an exponential future have spawned a worldwide movement. Kurzweil's predic...
Hanson, Victor Davis Basic Books
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In this “gripping account of catastrophic defeat” (Barry Strauss), a New York Times-bestselling historian charts how and why some societies chose to utterly destroy their foes, and warns that similar wars of obliteration are possible in our time War can settle disputes, topple tyrants, and bend the trajectory of civilization--sometim...
Swisher, Kara Simon & Schuster
15% 38,250 38,250 포인트적립1,920원
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Instant New York Times Bestseller From award-winning journalist Kara Swisher comes a witty, scathing, but fair accounting of the tech industry and its founders who wanted to change the world but broke it instead. Part memoir, part history, Burn Book is a necessary chronicle of tech’s most powerful players.
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