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국내작가 인문/사회 저자

서울대학교 언론정보(구 신문)학과를 졸업하고, 같은 대학교에서 언론정보학 석사학위를, 경희대학교에서 신문방송학으로 그리고 부경대학교에서 과학기술정책학으로 각각 박사학위를 받았다. 방송통신위원회 지역방송발전위원회 위원 및 영산대학교 성심교양대학장을 역임했으며, 현재 영산대학교 자유전공학부 교수로 재직 중이다. 주요 저서와 논문으로는 『정보사회의 이데올로기』, 『정보사회의 윤리와 현실』, “미국의 언론자유 사상 연구”, “미디어에 있어서 공정성 문제” 등이 있다.

Prof. Lee started out as a student reporter for the Seoul National University(SNU) Newspaper. He majored Korean newspaper history in the 1980s at SNU(MA). He completed Ph. D. thesis about the emerging Korean new media industry in the 1990s at Kyunghee University's School of Journalism & Mass Communication in 1997. He also did his second doctorate of science and technology policy sciences at Pukyong National University in 2019. Prior to his appointment at Y’sU(Youngsan University) in 1998, he worked as a public information officer for Ministry of Science and Technology over 8 years. He has worked for Y’sU as a director of the School of Mass Communication, a director of Continuing Education Center, the chief editor of University Newspaper. He has also serviced as a member of several NGO groups, audience committee of TV broadcasters(KNN, Busan MBC, and KBS) and an expert advisor at National Election Broadcasting Debate Commission.

He wrote many papers in Journals and for Special Seminars for last over 20 years. He has contributed media review in a nationwide newspaper( Hankookilbo) and Broadcasting(KBS). He has performed as a columnist of local broadcasters (UBC-TV, Busan Christian Broadcasting System, Busan Peace Broadcasting, Busan Transportation Broadcasting) and local newspapers (Busan Ilbo, Ulsan Shinmoon, Kyungnam Shinmoon). He stayed at the department of communication of Purdue University as a visiting scholar for sabbatical leave in 2005. After returning to Korea, he worked as a member of executive committee of KABS (Korean Association of Broadcasting Studies ) during 2006. He worked as a co-chair of local media NGO between August 2006 and February 2009. He served as a president of Busan-Ulsan-Kyungnam Communication Studies Association during 2011-2012. He worked as a president of Korea Speech & Communication Academic Association between June 2013-2014.

His main works are (1999), (2008), (2013, co-author), (2017) etc

[도서] 언론의 사회 통합 및 양극화 해소 방안 연구 [도서] 디지털 시대 커뮤니케이션 정치경제학 [도서] 지역방송의 혁신
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