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Louis A. Barbieri
Professor Emeritus of Theology, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Westmont College; ThM, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary / 마가복음, 베드로전서, 베드로후서, 유다서

Michael J. Boyle
Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies, Moody Bible Institute / BS, University of North Dakota; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMin, Gordon-Conwell heological Seminary / 나훔

James F. Coakley
Professor of Bible, Moody Theological Seminary / BA, Calvary Bible College; MDiv, ThM, Grace Theological Seminary; DMin, Covenant Theological Seminary; ABD, University of Stellenbosch / 민수기, 신명기

Charles H. Dyer
Professor-at-Large of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Washington Bible College; ThM, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary; Graduate Study, Institute of Holy Land Studies, Jerusalem / 예레미야, 예레미야애가, 에스겔

David Finkbeiner
Chair and Professor of Theology, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Bob Jones University; MA, MDiv, Biblical Theological Seminary; PhD, Trinity International University / 잠언, 전도서

John K. Goodrich
Assistant Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Moody Bible Institute; MDiv, ThM, Talbot School of Theology; PhD, Durham University / 호세아

Daniel D. Green
Professor of Pastoral Studies, Moody Theological Seminary / BA, Michigan State University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMin, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 미가, 요한계시록

John F. Hart
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BS, West Chester University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; ThD, Grace Theological Seminary / 요한복음, 야고보서

John A. Jelinek
Vice President and Dean, Professor of Theology, Moody Theological Seminary / BREd, William Tyndale College; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; ThD, Grace Theological Seminary / 레위기, 아모스

John M. Koessler
Professor of Pastoral Studies, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Wayne State University; MA, MDiv, Biblical Seminary; DMin, Trinity International University / 디모데전서, 디모데후서, 디도서

John T. McMath
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute?Spokane / BA, Whitworth College; MDiv, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; STM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMin, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary / 사사기

William H. Marty
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Biola University; MDiv, Denver Seminary; STM, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary / 사도행전

Eugene J. Mayhew
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Moody Theological Seminary / BREd, Detroit Bible College; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; ThD, Grace Theological Seminary / 욥기

Winfred O. Neely
Professor of Preaching and Pastoral Studies, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Trinity College; MA, Wheaton College Graduate School; DMin, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 사무엘상, 사무엘하

Bryan O’Neal
Professor of Theology, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Moody Bible Institute; MA, Purdue University; PhD, Purdue University / 느헤미야

Gerald W. Peterman
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BDes, University of Florida; MDiv, MA, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; PhD, King’s College, University of London / 갈라디아서, 에베소서, 빌립보서, 골로새서, 빌레몬서

Michael A. Rydelnik
Professor of Jewish Studies, Moody Bible Institute / Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; BA, Azusa Pacific University; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMiss, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 아가, 이사야, 다니엘, 요엘, 하박국, 학개, 스가랴, 말라기

Steven H. Sanchez
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Columbia University; ThM, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary / 오바댜

Ronald Sauer
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Mississippi College; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Manchester, England / 히브리서, 요한일서, 요한이서, 요한삼서

Harry E. Shields
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Studies, Moody Theological Seminary / BA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; DMin, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 열왕기상, 열왕기하

Tim M. Sigler
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Faith Baptist Bible College; MA, MDiv, Faith Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Trinity International University / 아가

James Spencer
Vice President and Dean of Distance Learning, Moody Bible Institute / BS, University of Illinois at Chicago; MA, Wheaton College Graduate School; MDiv, Moody Theological Seminary; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 이사야

William D. Thrasher
Professor of Bible and Theology, Moody Theological Seminary / BS, Auburn University; ThM, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary / 요나

J. Brian Tucker
Associate Professor of New Testament, Moody Theological Seminary / BS, Lee College; MA, Liberty University; MDiv, DMin, Michigan Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Wales, Lampeter / 에스라

Michael G. Vanlaningham
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Nebraska Wesleyan University; MDiv, Talbot Theological Seminary; PhD Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 마태복음, 로마서, 고린도전서

Gerald D. Vreeland
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute?Spokane / BA, Oregon State University; MDiv, ThM, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; PhD, Trinity International University / Joshua

Michael G. Wechsler
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute / BS, Rutgers University; MA, Trinity International University; PhD, University of Chicago / 룻기

Walter White, Jr.
Former Alumni Director and faculty member, Moody Bible Institute / Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; BA, University of Illinois; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary / 스바냐

David L. Woodall
Professor of New Testament and Greek, Moody Theological Seminary / BA, Cedarville College; MDiv, ThM, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School / 고린도후서

Kevin D. Zuber
Professor of Theology, Moody Bible Institute / BA, Grace College; MDiv, ThM, Grace Theological Seminary; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity Schoo / 출애굽기, 역대상, 역대하, 누가복음, 데살로니가전서, 데살로니가후서

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