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국내작가 인문/사회 저자

윤순영은 수십 년간 여성의 권리와 사회 이슈들에 대해 유엔 안팎에서 활동해온 여성운동가이다. UNICEF 동남아시아지부 사회개발 담당관, WHO 동남아시아지부 연구관으로 일했으며, UN 4차 세계여성대회에서 NGO 포럼 조직을 돕기도 했다. 또한 75차 유엔총회의 젠더고문단의 일원이자, 국제여성연맹(International Alliance of Women)의 유엔 대표로 활동했다. 미시간대학교에서 인류학 전공으로 박사학위를 받았으며, 이화여자대학교 방문교수를 역임했다.

Soon-Young Yoon is the UN representative for the International Alliance of Women and member of the Gender Advisory group of the President of the 75th UN General Assembly. As a visiting Fulbright Professor at Ewha Womans University, she helped establish Asia’s first women’s studies program. Yoon helped organize the NGO Forum at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women that brought together more than 35,000 participants. She previously served as a social development officer for UNICEF in the Southeast Asia office and a social scientist at WHO South-East Asia Regional Office in New Delhi. A former columnist for The Earth Times newspaper, Yoon co-edited the WHO monograph, “Gender, Women, and the Tobacco Epidemic” with Dr. Jonathan Samet. She received an AB in French literature with honors and PhD in anthropology from the University of Michigan. She is married to Richard M. Smith, former editor-in-chief and president of Newsweek and current president of the Pinkerton Foundation.

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