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2월 혜택 모음


헨델 : 사울
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헨델 : 사울

[ 2CD ]
Rene Jacobs 지휘 | Harmonia Mundi / Harmonia Mundi | 2008년 04월 07일 | 원서 : Handel : Saul 첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요.
상품 가격정보
판매가 48,100원
할인가 39,000 (19% 할인)
추가혜택쿠폰 및 사은품(1종)
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  • 주문금액대별 할인쿠폰
구매 시 참고사항
구매 시 참고사항
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광고 AD

헨델 : 사울


발매일 2008년 04월 07일
시간, 무게, 크기 130g



CD 1
  • 01 Symphony : Allegro - Larghetto - Allegro - Andante larghetto
  • 02 Act One Scene I : 1. Chorus How excellent Thy name, o Lord
  • 03 Act One Scene I : 2. Air Soprano An infant raised by thy command 3. Trio Alto, tenore, basso Along the monster atheist strode
  • 04 Act One Scene I : 4. Soprano, alto, tenore, basso The youth inspired by Thee, o Lord 5. Chorus How excellent Thy name, o Lord
  • 05 Act One Scene Ii : 6. Recit & 7. Air Michal He comes, he comes! - O God-like youth! 8. Recitative Abner, Saul, David Behold, o King, the brave, victorious youth
  • 06 Act One Scene Ii : 9. Air David O king, your favours with delights 10. Recitative Jonathan Oh early piety!
  • 07 Act One Scene Ii : 11. Air Merab What abject thoughts a prince can have! 12. Recitative Merab Yet think, on whom this honour you bestow
  • 08 Act One Scene Ii : 13. Air Jonathan Birth and fortune I despise!
  • 09 Act One Scene Ii : 14. Recitative High Priest Go on, illustrious pair! 15. Air High Priest While yet thy tide of blood runs high
  • 10 Act One Scene Ii : 16. Recitative Saul, Merab Thou, Merab, first in birth, be first in honour 17. Air Merab My soul rejects the thought with scorn 18. Air Michal See, with what a scornful air 19. Air Michal Ah, lovely youth, wast thou designed
  • 11 Act One Scene Ii, Scene Iii : 20. Symphony Andante allegro 21. Recitative Michal Already see the daughters of the land Scene III 22.Chorus Welcome, welcome, mighty king!
  • 12 Act One Scene Iii : 23. Accompagnato Saul What do I hear? 24. Chorus David his ten thousands slew 25. Accompagnato Saul To him ten thousands 26. Air Saul With rage I shall start burst his praises to hear
  • 13 Act One Scene Iii : Scene IV 27. Recitative Jonathan, Michal Imprudent women! 28. Air Michal Fell rage and black despair possessed
  • 14 Act One Scene Iii : 29. Recitative High Priest This but the smallest part of Harmony 30. Accompagnato High Priest By thee this universal frame
  • 15 Act One Scene Iii : Scene V 31. Recitative Abner Racked with infernal pains 32. Air David O Lord, whose mercies numberless
  • 16 Act One Scene Iii : 33. Symphony Largo 34. Recitative Jonathan 'Tis all in vain, his fury still continues
  • 17 Act One Scene Iii : 35. Air Saul A serpent, in my bosom warmed 36. Recitative Saul Has he escaped my rage?
  • 18 Act One Scene Iii : 37. Air Merab Capricious man
  • 19 Act One Scene Vi : 38. Accompagnato Jonathan O filial piety! 39. Air Jonathan No, cruel father, no!
  • 20 Act One Scene Vi : 40. Air High Priest O Lord, whose providence 41. Chorus Preserve him for the glory of Thy name
  • 21 Act Two Scene I : 42. Chorus Envy! Eldest born of hell!
  • 22 Act Two Scene Ii : 43. Recitative Jonathan Ah! dearest friend 44. Air Jonathan But sooner Jordan' stream, I swear
  • 23 Act Two Scene Ii : 45. Recitative David, Jonathan Oh strange vicissitude! 46. Air David Such haughty beauties rather move
CD 2
  • 01 Act Two Scene Ii, Iii : 47. Recitative Jonathan My father comes Scene III 48. Recitative Saul, Jonathan Hast thou obeyed my orders
  • 02 Act Two Scene Iii : 49. Air Jonathan Sin not, o king, against the youth 50. Air Saul As great Jehovah lives 51. Air Jonathan From cities stormed, and battles won
  • 03 Act Two Scene Iv : 52. Recitative Jonathan, Saul Appear, my friend 53. Air David Your words, o king, my loyal heart 54. Recitative Saul Yes, he shall wed my daughter
  • 04 Act Two Scene V : 55. Recitative Michal A father's will has authorised my love 56. Duet Michal, David O fairest of ten thousand fair 57. Chorus Is there a man
  • 05 Act Two Scene V : 58. Symphony Largo - Allegro
  • 06 Act Two Scene Vi : 59. Recitative David Thy father is as cruel 60. Duet David, Michal At persecution I can laugh
  • 07 Act Two Scene Vii : 61. Recitative Michal, Doeg Whom dost thou seek 62. Air Michal No, no let the guilty tremble
  • 08 Act Two Scene Viii : 63. Recitative Merab Mean as he was, he is my brother now 64. Air Merab Author of peace, who canst controul
  • 09 Act Two Scene Ix : 65. Symphony Allegro
  • 10 Act Two Scene Ix : 66. Accompagnato Saul The time at length is come Scene X 67. Recitative Saul, Jonathan Where is the son of Jesse?
  • 11 Act Two Scene Ix : 68. Chorus Oh fatal consequence of Rage
  • 12 Act Three Scene I : 69. Accompagnato Saul Wretch that I am 70. Recit - Accompagnato Saul 'Tis said, here lives a woman
  • 13 Act Three Scene Ii : 71. Recitative Witch, Saul With me what would'st thou 72. Air Witch of Endor Infernal spirits
  • 14 Act Three Scene Iii : 73. Accompagnato Samuel, Saul Why hast thou forced me from the realms of peace
  • 15 Act Three Scene Iii : 74. Symphony Allegro
  • 16 Act Three Scene Iv : 75. Recitative David, Amalekite Whence comest thou? 76. Air David Impious wretch, of race accurst!
  • 17 Act Three Scene Iv : 77. March Grave
  • 18 Act Three Scene V : 78. Chorus Mourn, Israel
  • 19 Act Three Scene V : 79. Air High Priest Oh let it not in Gath be heard
  • 20 Act Three Scene V : 80. Air Merab From this unhappy day
  • 21 Act Three Scene V : 81. Air David Brave Jonathan is bow never drew 82. Chorus Eagles were not so swift as they
  • 22 Act Three Scene V : 83. Air Michal In sweetest harmony they lived! 84. Solo David and Chorus O fatal day! 85. Recitative Abner Ye men of Judah, weep no more!
  • 23 Act Three Scene V : 86. Chorus Gird on thy sword, thou man of might

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